Neeraj Mishra

A crazy computer and programming lover. He spend most of his time in programming, blogging and helping other programming geeks.

Find Divisors of a Number C++

Below is the C++ program to find all the divisors of a number. A divisor is a number that divides another number completely. For example, D is the divisor of N if N%D=0. Output: Enter the number: 6Divisors of 6 are 1 2 3 6

C++ Program to Check Character is Uppercase, Lowercase, Digit, or Special Character

Below I have shared a C++ program to check whether a given character is an uppercase or lowercase alphabet, a digit, or a special character. First of all, I read a character and then compare it with the ASCII values given below. If the ASCII value of the character is other than the values mentioned …

C++ Program to Check Character is Uppercase, Lowercase, Digit, or Special Character Read More »