C++ program to find largest number of a list of numbers entered through keyboard

C++ program to find largest number of a list of numbers entered through keyboard


void main()
clrscr(); //to clear the screen
int i,n,x,large=0;

cout<<“How many numbers?”;
cout<<“nEnter number “<<i+1<<“:”;
cout<<“nnThe largest number is “<<large;

12 thoughts on “C++ program to find largest number of a list of numbers entered through keyboard”

    1. Initially large is 0, as a new number is entered i.e. x, is compared with large, if x is greater then large then large is update. After entering all numbers the final value of large is largest among all numbers.

      I hope it will be clear now.

        1. See there in the for loop the programmer used i<n that is it will run for n-1 (ex if n=3 then the loop will be for n=2) .

  1. Kanchan Agrawal

    Thank you. Will you please write a program using pointer which will take 5 no. and will display the greatest number.

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