Here you will get rail fence cipher program in C and C++ for encryption and decryption.
It is a kind of transposition cipher which is also known as zigzag cipher. Below is an example.
Here Key = 3. For encryption we write the message diagonally in zigzag form in a matrix having total rows = key and total columns = message length. Then read the matrix row wise horizontally to get encrypted message.
Rail Fence Cipher Program in C
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void encryptMsg(char msg[], int key){ int msgLen = strlen(msg), i, j, k = -1, row = 0, col = 0; char railMatrix[key][msgLen]; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) railMatrix[i][j] = '\n'; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ railMatrix[row][col++] = msg[i]; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } printf("\nEncrypted Message: "); for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) if(railMatrix[i][j] != '\n') printf("%c", railMatrix[i][j]); } void decryptMsg(char enMsg[], int key){ int msgLen = strlen(enMsg), i, j, k = -1, row = 0, col = 0, m = 0; char railMatrix[key][msgLen]; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) railMatrix[i][j] = '\n'; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ railMatrix[row][col++] = '*'; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) if(railMatrix[i][j] == '*') railMatrix[i][j] = enMsg[m++]; row = col = 0; k = -1; printf("\nDecrypted Message: "); for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ printf("%c", railMatrix[row][col++]); if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } } int main(){ char msg[] = "Hello World"; char enMsg[] = "Horel ollWd"; int key = 3; printf("Original Message: %s", msg); encryptMsg(msg, key); decryptMsg(enMsg, key); return 0; }
Original Message: Hello World
Encrypted Message: Horel ollWd
Decrypted Message: Hello World
Rail Fence Cipher Program in C++
#include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; void encryptMsg(char msg[], int key){ int msgLen = strlen(msg), i, j, k = -1, row = 0, col = 0; char railMatrix[key][msgLen]; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) railMatrix[i][j] = '\n'; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ railMatrix[row][col++] = msg[i]; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } cout<<"\nEncrypted Message: "; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) if(railMatrix[i][j] != '\n') cout<<railMatrix[i][j]; } void decryptMsg(char enMsg[], int key){ int msgLen = strlen(enMsg), i, j, k = -1, row = 0, col = 0, m = 0; char railMatrix[key][msgLen]; for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) railMatrix[i][j] = '\n'; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ railMatrix[row][col++] = '*'; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } for(i = 0; i < key; ++i) for(j = 0; j < msgLen; ++j) if(railMatrix[i][j] == '*') railMatrix[i][j] = enMsg[m++]; row = col = 0; k = -1; cout<<"\nDecrypted Message: "; for(i = 0; i < msgLen; ++i){ cout<<railMatrix[row][col++]; if(row == 0 || row == key-1) k= k * (-1); row = row + k; } } int main(){ char msg[] = "Hello World"; char enMsg[] = "Horel ollWd"; int key = 3; cout<<"Original Message: "<<msg; encryptMsg(msg, key); decryptMsg(enMsg, key); return 0; }
Comment below if you have queries related to above rail fence cipher program in C and C++.
You are done it only for specific input-“Hello World”..but I have to perform encryption and decryption on whatever the user gives as input..please share the program to do the same as soon as possible..thanks in advance!!
What is the algorithm to decrypt the message “hello world “?