Program for Factorial in C

Here you will get program for factorial in C.

We can find factorial of any number by multiplying it with all the numbers below it.

For example, factorial of 3 will be 6 (3 * 2 * 1).

Program for Factorial in C


int main()
	long i,n,fac=1;
	printf("Enter value of n:");
	printf("\nFactorial of %ld is %ld",n,fac);

	return 0;



Enter value of n:4

Factorial of 4 is 24

2 thoughts on “Program for Factorial in C”

  1. Xenus Xerxii Masonius

    Recursion will do as well:

    unsigned long long f(int n)
    if(n==0||n==1) return 1;
    return n*f(n-1);

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