Online Quiz System Project in JSP (Java)

Here you will get the online quiz system project in JSP (Java).

A few days back my college organized a tech fest. There was a coding competition event in that fest. The first round was an online test that contains some C and C++ questions. I was managing that event and developed an online quiz system for it.

I thought that I should share this online test system with you guys. So here in this article, I am sharing the system along with the database, you can use it as a project in your school or college.

You can customize it according to your requirements.

Online Quiz System Project in JSP

Online Quiz System Project in JSP

The technologies and tools used by me to develop this system are:

Technologies used: JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON and MySql.

Tools Used: Eclipse IDE, MySql, SQLyog, Apache Tomcat Server.

How does the system work?

Student Panel:

1. The student first gets a registration page where he/she has to register using name and email.

2. After successful registration, an instructions page is displayed. The instructions are as follows:

  • Total Questions: 15
  • Time Alloted: 20 Minutes
  • Questions based on C and C++
  • There is no negative marking
  • Top 20 will be short listed for the next round
  • Click on Start button to start the test
  • After the test starts, don’t press back or refresh button or don’t close the browser window

3. When student clicks on the Start button the test starts. There are total of 3 sets of questions, so randomly a set is allotted to contestant. After attempting all the questions a Submit button is shown which submits the data that is stored in database.

Online Quiz System Project in JSP 3
Online Quiz System Project in JSP 2
Online Quiz System Project in JSP 1

Admin Panel:

The admin can see, add and delete questions in various sets. For each correct answer 1 point is given to the contestant. On the result page, the admin can see the result. The contestants are sorted according to their points.

Admin Email:
Admin Password: tcp@gits

Online Quiz System Project in JSP 4
Online Quiz System Project in JSP 5
Online Quiz System Project in JSP 6

Below is the link to download the project with the database backup file.

Comment below if you are facing any difficulty to use this project.

65 thoughts on “Online Quiz System Project in JSP (Java)”

      1. Hi,

        I have download this project but some found error. Questions are not showing in my test. All Questions and options are showing undefined and how to get result after finish the test.
        Please guide me.

        Thanks in advance.

    1. Check the database connections, maybe connection details for your system is different. Find the exact error by reading ide console.

      1. Premchand Mullamuri

        Hello bro ,I am not able to download the Code ,It is redirecting to advertisement can you share the link for source code//

  1. I have been downloaded this project but it’s not running on apache tomcat and I am not getting the connectivity. Pls help me

    1. bro I have downloaded this project but it’s not running on apache tomcat and I am not getting the connectivity. Pls help me

  2. Sanyasi naidu adireddi

    I have downloaded the project and successfully executed after that start the test and answer the all questions(15) but only 14 questions and answers inserted in database. In result report page only showing 14 points please help me this issue.

  3. please give me source code of this project and
    how to download and run this project
    can you sent me this project personally on my email id????

  4. Devanshu Goyal

    Please can you Give me the code of how the question are changing in your project by clicking on the next button

  5. Thank a lot for the source code it really helped us into our student placement project.
    Well done and continue your work in future.
    All the Best!!!!

    Happy Coding 🙂 😛

  6. Hello sir, when i going to register its give exception ..i know what is exception. plz tell me how to restore dump file that is given by u in postgresql database. if dump file is restore successfully its working fine .
    plz tell me how to restore dump file data in databse from given dump file by You.
    Thank You….

  7. I am unaware of how to run jsp and how it work. I have installed tomcat and place the CodeWarrior folder inside the webapps but it is showing me the following error:

    Type Exception Report

    Message Unable to compile class for JSP:

    Description The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.


    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

    An error occurred at line: [14] in the generated java file: [C:\xampp\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\CodeWarrior\org\apache\jsp\WebContent\]
    Only a type can be imported. com.UserDAO resolves to a package

    An error occurred at line: [15] in the generated java file: [C:\xampp\tomcat\work\Catalina\localhost\CodeWarrior\org\apache\jsp\WebContent\]
    Only a type can be imported. com.AdminDAO resolves to a package

    Note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the server logs.

  8. Hi,

    I have download this project but some found error. Questions are not showing in my test. All Questions and options are showing “undefined”.
    Please help.

    Thanks in advance.

  9. Hello,

    I have download this project but some found error. Questions are not showing in test.jsp, all Questions and options are showing “undefined”.
    Please help.

    Thanks in advance.

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