If a number p is fully divisible by another number q, then q is said to be a factor of p. Here q will be greater than 1 and less than or equal to p.
So, if a number p is fully divisible by another number q and q is a prime number then q is said to be a prime factor of p.
Prime numbers are those numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. In this article, we will see the code to find the prime factors of a number.
For example:
If we take 5, then prime factors will be:
5 = 5
5 is the only prime factor of 5.
If we take 20, then prime factors will be:
20 = 2 * 2 * 5
If we take 210, then prime factors will be:
210 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7
Now let’s see the code of this problem. In this code, we will be creating two functions. The first function will help us to know if a number is prime or not. And the second function will help us to print the prime factor of a number.
def isPrime(n):
Function to return if a number is prime or not
Input : A Number
Output : Boolean Value True or False
# If the Number is less than 2, then returns False
if n < 2:
return False
# loop from 2 to n-1, if between this range n is divided by any number
# then return False
# else return true in the end.
for i in range(2, n):
if (n % i == 0):
return False
return True
# Function to print the prime factors of a number.
def primeFactor(n):
Function to print the prime factors of a number.
Input : Number
Output : None. It will print the prime factors from the function only.
if (n < 2):
print("No Prime Factors")
i = 2
# Loop while i is not equal to n
while (i < n+1):
# if n is divisible by i and i is a prime number then we have to
# print the vlaue of i and update the value of n by dividing it by i.
# else we just have to increment the value of i by 1.
if (n % i == 0 and isPrime(i)):
print(i) # print the value of i
n = n / i # update the value of n
i += 1 # Increase the value of i by 1
# Take the number as input from user in the string format
number = input("Enter the Number : ")
# Convert the string datatype into integer datatype
number = int(number)
# Call the function to print the prime factors of the inputted number
print("Prime Factor : ")
Testcase 1: When the input is 100.
PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
Enter the Number : 100
Prime Factor :
Testcase 2: When the Input is 270270.
PS C : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work > python -u " c : \ Users \ ASUS \ Desktop \ Crazy Programmer Work \ test.py "
Enter the Number : 270270
Prime Factor :

We have used two functions to create the whole program.
The first function will tell us if a number is prime or not. It takes an integer and returns a Boolean value (True or false).
The second function will help to print the prime factors of a number. It will take an integer as input and print all the prime factors of that input. It returns None because all the printing is done within the function only.